Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Tronxy X3A Extruder Temperature

The extruder temperature on my Tronxy X3A likes to run about 1.5 degrees below the setpoint.  I don't know how much effect that has on the quality of my prints, but I do know that until the temperature difference gets less than 1 degree, the print won't proceed if the M109 code has been used in the program.

As a workaround, I just blocked the airflow to the extruder fan with a card, the temperature went up slightly, and the test print proceeded.

But now I want to fix it so it works properly.  I think I want to do an autotune cycle.

I did an autotune by following the procedures on Using Repetier Host with my Tronxy X3A.

PID Constants from Autotune

Here are the results of the autotune:

Kp = 17.44
Ki = 1.19
Kd = 63.71

After entering these values from Repetier host, the temperature control is perfect.

Entering PID Constants

Now that I have the constants, they need to be installed in the printer.  This is done by the following:

1. Send an M205 to the printer.  This will display a list of all the EEPROM settings.
2. In the list, find the PID settings for the extruder.  On my printer, they are  as follows:
EPR:3 218 17.4400 Extr.1 PID P-gain/dead-time
EPR:3 222 1.1900 Extr.1 PID I-gain
EPR:3 226 63.6996 Extr.1 PID D-gain
The first number following EPR is the type.  All are type 3 (float).
The second number following EPR is the position in EEPROM.  218 for Kp, 222 for Ki, 226 for Kd.
The third number is the value (17.44 for Kp, 1.19 for Ki, 63.6996 for Kd).

3. Set values by sending an M206 command to the printer.  The M206 command to set Kp to 17.5 would be as follows:
M206 T3 P218 X17.5
Note that the T parameter is the type, the P parameter is the position,  and the X parameter is the value to be stored in that position
4. Once you have set all 3 values, you should have the new PID constants set.


  1. Hi there Carl, I just bought the Tronxy X3a and it came with no micro sd card. will u please upload all the files that came with your SD card including the building instructions and give me the link. I CAN'T EVEN BUILD IT WITH NO INSTRUCTIONS AT ALL!!!!???

    1. I've got the files zipped up and ready to post. But my internet is very slow (I think we're having a DDOS attack right now). Expect to see it shortly.

    2. And here's the link:


    3. thanks A LOTTTTTTT my friend, this is a HUGEEE help. Those chinese won't even answer the emails...

      any advices regarding building or using the printer or I should simply follow the guides u sent me and everythin will go smoothly? (this is my 1st 3d printer btw so any small advices would be appreciated)

  2. hi ive just got one of these and your info has been loads of help thanks as this part of the setup was not explained :) do you know if there is any control over the fan on the extruder as i can see settings in the soft but its always on full for me


  3. I believe I read somewhere that the extruder fan is always full on, but I can't remember where it was.

    I haven't looked at the firmware; it might be possible to fix this in firmware.

    1. ah ok.. i see there is a setting in the f/w but makes no difference when changed. i have it plugged into cfan on the board like they say to cheers

    2. also when you ran autotune and got the results did you enter that info from repetier to flash the eprom or enter them in the printer screen as when i read from the repetier it says the old values thanks again

    3. Oh, I forgot to include that information.

      I will have to look up the G code that I used. I sent the commands from Repetier host to change the parameters, and then to save them to EEPROM, and then they were permanently there.

      Do you have Repetier firmware or Marlin firmware? I've seen reports of both. And I think only Repetier firmware allows you to save the PID constants from Gcode.

  4. i have the marlin f/w and i can flash them from the firmware eeprom config in repetier i tried in the x3a menu and it took ages lol and lost the settings!! im going to try another print and hope i dont get so much stringing as it hopfully was because the autotune settings had not saved...

    1. I could never get settings entered from LCD to save, either. But from Repetier-host it worked like a charm.

    2. Hi Carl after saving them its all been working a charm getting better and better the more you tweak the bed and plastic x mounts. i found there is a few upgrades and tighter mounts you can print for it on www.thingiverse.com/ search for tronxy x3 so busy doing that now haha will let you know how it goes mate thanks for all your help in getting it set up couldn't of done it without you :)

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